söndag 9 december 2012

christmas thoughts

Second advent today! so I say happy second advent everyone! How strange it looks now when people have stated to decorate their houses with christmas lights and there is no snow. ahhah it really looks funny I have to take some pictures of it next time I walk home from town.
I've finnaly finished my project! It feels so good not having to do it the last day. But you know what? This week I'll have to present it!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOh My, I'll be sooo nervous.
My family has a advent calendar with chocolate Yummi! So every day I get a little chocolate. but my family does not have a adventsljusstake :( and they haven't decorated their house with christmas stuff jet.

hahahah and a funny sory; (not so funny, sounded funnier in my head but now i've alreday written it so yes i just leave it)
I was in canterbury some weekend ago and I was in one of those card-shops (ahhah thats another funny thing they have cardshops ahahha alltså en heel butik med bara kort ahahhaah såå konstigt) okay back to the story och in the shop there was christmas card and i saw acouple of cards with the word noel written on them. I didnt under stand what it ment i thought it may be a name or something. and today my family got a christmas card from some friend and it said noel on the frontpage ahah so I asked what it ment and they told me it was merry christmas iin french. ahhaha I thought i was I name and if it would have been i guess noel would have gotten alot of christmas cards hhhahahh.

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